Monday, July 26, 2021

The Works by Amedeo Modigliani: 93. Seated woman in Blue Dress (1919)


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Modigliani Institute Korea (MIK) is currently introducing artworks of Amedeo Modigliani.

The 93rd work to introduce for this week is “Seated woman in Blue Dress” in 1919.

This work is an expressionist style portrait and an oil painting on canvas with the size of 92 x 60 cm and possessed by the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden.

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden

This young woman, the model in this painting, stands out with her cut hair in a dark color highlighted by Modigliani to match her dark blue clothes. This portrait also looks very similar to the sculptures of the time in terms of the stylized clothes and the features and outlines of the face. The model's pale skin and expressionless empty eyes also contribute to her sculptural resemblance.

The model sitting on a black chair occupies almost the entire frame of the painting.

Modigliani often revealed the identity of the model by including the model's name in the background of his paintings, but in this painting the background does not give any information that could identify the model of the painting.

However, research has shown that the model for this painting was known as Fernande Barrey, a French artist model and painter, born on 9 January 1893 and died on 14 July 1960.

Fernande Barrey

She left her hometown of Picardy in 1908 and moved to Paris. Then, she became the model for many artists, including Jean Agélou, Amedeo Modigliani and Chaim Soutine.

Portrait of Chaim Soutine, Amedeo
Modigliani (1916)

In March 1917, she met the Japanese artist Tsuguharu Foujita at the Café de la Rotonde in Montparnasse, who fell madly in love with her and married her 13 days later. In 1918, the couple moved to Cagnes-sur-Mer to escape the German bombs, where she spent a year painting and meeting many friends. 

Tsuguharu Foujita in his studio

Café de la Rotonde, Montparnasse, Paris

During this time, she also became friends with Jeanne Hébuterne, the wife of Modigliani. In 1920, when Modigliani died, Barrey tried to console Jeanne, but these efforts were in vain, and Jeanne, who was pregnant, committed suicide.

Portrait of Jeanne Hébuterne, Amedeo
Modigliani (1918)

In addition to this painting, other paintings of Fernande Barrey painted by Modigliani are listed below.

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