Thursday, February 4, 2021

82. New Age Music: 9. Soundscape, ACJ Music Academy

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This week's lecture is “Soundscape”, the 9th topic of “New Age Music”, which is a summary of the contents of “82. New Age Music: 9. Soundscape” introduced on April 8th, 2017.

A soundscape is the acoustic environment perceived by humans, the term originally coined by Michael Southworth and popularized by R. Murray Schafer

R. Murray Schafer

The soundscape is used in a variety of fields, from urban design to wildlife ecology to computer science. The soundscape refers to the sounds of animals and natural elements, including weather, and the sounds generated by humans as a sound or combination of sounds that are formed or generated in the environment, and also includes the listener's perception to the sounds heard as an environment.

The Blue Marble by the crew of Apollo 17

Electronic music composer Pauline Oliveros defined the term “soundscape” as "All of the waveforms faithfully transmitted to our audio cortex by the ear and its mechanisms”.

Pauline Oliveros

In music, soundscape compositions are often a form of electronic music or electroacoustic music, and composers who use soundscapes include Barry Truax, Hildegard Westerkamp, and Luc Ferrari.

Islands, Barry Truax (2001)

Transformations, Hildegard Westerkamp

Interrupteur/Tautologos 3, Luc Ferrari

Soundscape composer Petri Kuljuntausta has created soundscape compositions using the sounds of sky dome, aurora and deep sea underwater recordings. 

Petri Kuljuntausta

He also created a work called "Charm of Sound" to perform at the extreme environment of Saturn's moon Titan, which landed on the ground of Titan in 2005 after traveling inside the spacecraft Huygens over 7 years and 4 billion kilometers.

Saturn's moon Titan

Huygens spaceprobe

Irv Teibel's “Environments series (1969–79)” consisted of a 30-minute uninterrupted environmental soundscapes and synthesized or processed versions of natural sound.

Environments 6, Dawn in the Okefenokee
Swamp, Irv Teibel (1974)

The soundscape is often mimicking subject in Timbre-centered music, such as Tuvan throat singing practiced by people in Tuva, Mongolia, and Siberia.

The Alash ensemble, a throat singing band
from Tuva, Russia

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