Sunday, January 30, 2022

Interesting Art Stories: 70. The Son of Man, René Magritte, ACJ Art Academy


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Currently, I am introducing the stories about various artists and their paintings with the title Interesting Art Stories.

The 70th story is The Son of Man by René Magritte.

The Son of Man” is a 1964 painting by the Belgian surrealist painter René Magritte, which is his most famous work.

René Magritte

This self-portrait by Magritte depicts a man in an overcoat and a bowler hat standing in front of a low wall, beyond which are the sea and a cloudy sky. The man's face is mostly obscured by a green apple floating in the air, but the man's eyes can be seen peeking over the edge of the apple. Another characteristic is that the man's left arm appears bent backwards at the elbow.

Regarding this painting, Magritte said:

In this painting, you can have the apparent face, the apple, but there is a hidden human face. This is something that happens constantly… We always want to see what is hidden by what we see. There is an interest in that which is hidden and which the visible does not show us... ”

Among the paintings of Magritte, there are paintings similar to “The Son of Man” as follows.

The Great War” is a variation of “The Son of Man,” showing only the upper torso and head of the bowler hatted man, with the apple completely hiding his face.

The Great War, René Magritte (1964)

The Taste of the Invisible” is a gouache painting of the same subject.

The Taste of the Invisible, René Magritte

"The Great War on Facades" depicts a person standing in front of a wall overlooking the sea, as in “The Son of Man”, but it is a woman with an umbrella whose face is obscured by flowers.

The Great War on Façades, René Magritte

"Man in the Bowler Hat" is a similar painting, but a man's face is obscured by a bird rather than an apple.

Man in the Bowler Hat, René Magritte

The Son of Man” has been used in various fields of culture and art as follows.

In 1970, American artist Norman Rockwell paid a playful homage to "The Son of Man" with an oil painting entitled "Mr. Apple".

Mr. Apple, Norman Rockwell (1970)

"The Son of Man" appears in the 1999 film "The Thomas Crown Affair".

The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)

The apple was a continuing theme in Magritte's work. The apple in his 1966 painting "Le Jeu De Morre,"owned by Paul McCartney, inspired the Beatles to name their record company "Apple Corps."

Apple Corps' logo

Le Jeu de Morre (The Game of Mora), René Magritte (1966)

The Son of Man” is mentioned several times in the 2006 film "Stranger than Fiction."

Stranger than Fiction (2006)

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Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Stories about Art Films: 51. Cézanne and I (2016), ACJ Movie Academy


Basic Info

Title: Cézanne and I

Genre: Biography, Drama

Country: France

Language: French

Running time: 116 minutes

Release date: 21 September 2016


Director: Danièle Thompson

Produced by: Albert Koski

Screenplay: Danièle Thompson

Music: Éric Neveux

Cinematography: Jean-Marie Dreujou

Edited by: Sylvie Landra


Guillaume Canet as Émile Zola

Guillaume Gallienne as Paul Cézanne

Alice Pol as Alexandrine Zola

Déborah François as Hortense Cézanne

Sabine Azéma as Elisabeth Cézanne


Cézanne and I” is a 2016 French biographical drama film about the friendship between 19th-century novelist Émile Zola and painter Paul Cézanne. The film was written and directed by Danièle Thompson and starred Guillaume Canet, Guillaume Gallienne, Alice Pol, Déborah François and Sabine Azéma. The film was named as one of four films for the French submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards.

Portrait of Emile Zola, Paul Cézanne (c. 1862

Self Portrait, Paul Cezanne (1879)

Movie Review

Cezanne's emotional strife rather than art is the focus”

Breathtaking cinematography, stereotypical characters”

Bit of a bore”

A cinematic masterpiece”

Superb film for artist and authors”

Interesting stories about the film

1. Director Danièle Thompson originally wanted to write a play about the relationship between Cézanne and Zola, but fellow director Mike Nichols convinced her that a film would make this theme more relevant.

Danièle Thompson

2. Père Tanguy, who appears in the film selling paint to Cézanne in his shop, also provided paint to other Impressionist painters and Vincent Van Gogh, who painted his portrait now at the Rodin Museum in Paris.

Portrait of Père Tanguy, Vincent van Gogh,
Musée Rodin, Paris (1887)

3. At the end of the film, the man who appears buying Cézanne's paintings is Ambroise Vollard, an art dealer who promoted several Impressionist painters and made a fortune with their works. Cézanne appears painting his portrait, which can now be seen at the Petit Palais in Paris.

Portrait of Ambroise Vollard, Paul Cézanne,
Petit Palais, Paris (1899)

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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Amedeo Modigliani in Worldwide Museums: 6. The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon


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The 6th place I would like to introduce for this week is The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon in Dijon, France.

Opened in 1787 in Dijon, France, The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon is one of the most important and oldest museums in France. 

Located in the historic city center of Dijon, the museum is housed in the former ducal palace, seat of the Burgundian State in the 15th century, which became the house of the King when the duchy was assimilated to the Kingdom of France

In the 17th century, it became the Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy under the project of the French architect Jules Hardouin-Mansart.

Portrait of Jules Hardoun Mansart,
Hyacinthe Rigaud

The works of Modigliani currently in the possession of The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon are as follows.

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Song “Chasing the Unknown”

How are you? Having lectured and written books on music, as well as listening to and studying music for a long time, I have recently bec...