Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Stories about Art Films: 1. Lust for Life (1956), ACJ Movie Academy

Basic Info

Title: Lust for Life
Genre: Drama
Country: United States
Language: English
Distributed by: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Running time: 122 minutes
Release date: September 17, 1956


Director: Vincente Minnelli
Producer: John Houseman
Screenplay: Norman Corwin
Based on: “Lust for Life” by Irving Stone
Music: Miklós Rózsa
Cinematography: Russell Harlan
Editor: Adrienne Fazan


Kirk Douglas (Vincent van Gogh)
Anthony Quinn (Paul Gauguin)
James Donald (Theo van Gogh)
Pamela Brown (Christine)
Everett Sloane (Dr. Paul Gachet)
Niall MacGinnis (Roulin)
Noel Purcell (Anton Mauve)
Madge Kennedy (Anna Cornelia van Gogh)


The Lust for Life” is a biographical film about the life of the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, produced in the United States in 1956, based on Irving Stone's 1934 novel of the same title which was adapted by Norman Corwin.
It was directed by Vincente Minnelli and produced by John Houseman. The film stars Kirk Douglas as Van Gogh, James Donald as his brother Theo, along with Pamela Brown, Everett Sloane, and Anthony Quinn. Douglas won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor, and Quinn won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Movie Review

“An Accurate Biopic”
“A fantastic biographical movie”
“The Best Hollywood Biopic”
“Passion for life”
“Too Sensitive For This World”
“A great film by a great Director - but not a true biography”
“Remarkable performance by bigger than life Kirk Douglas...”

Interesting stories about the film

1. Many of the places used for filming were the places that Vincent van Gogh actually visited in his life.
2. The color process used for the film was not suitable for long-term color preservation. As a result, revival prints lost the brightness and range of the film’s original images. Fortunately, however, the original colors were properly restored in the DVD edition.
3. A very young Michael Douglas watched this film with his brother Joel in the theater. In the scene where Van Gogh cuts his own ear, they thought that his father had actually cut his ear, and the two ran away screaming.
4. Many people claim that Anthony Quinn appeared in the movie for only 8 minutes and won the Oscar for his Best Supporting Actor, but his actual appearance time was 22 minutes and 40 seconds.
5. Parts of the film were shot in Auvers-sur-Oise, where Vincent van Gogh died. At that time Kirk Douglas cut his hair in the style of Van Gogh and dyed it in a similar reddish color. Some of the old people in the city who saw this thought that Van Gogh had returned.
6. On December 17, 1955, Perry Como, who appeared as a barber at his TV show on NBC, shaved off Kirk Douglas' beard he grew for this picture on live TV.
7. There is no exact evidence that the 'Wheatfield of Crows' is Van Gogh's last painting. Some people claim that the last one is 'Tree Roots' or 'Daubigny's Garden'.
8. The name “Theo” is an American pronunciation. The more accurate Dutch pronunciation is “TAY-oh”.


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