Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Works by Amedeo Modigliani: 54. Woman's Head (1915)

How are you?

Modigliani Institute Korea (MIK) is currently introducing artworks of Amedeo Modigliani one by one every week.

The 54th work to introduce for this week is Woman's Head in 1915.

This work is a portrait of an expressionist style and an oil painting on canvas with the size of 46 x 38 cm. It is currently possessed by Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan, Italy.

Pinacoteca di Brera

This portrait has a sculptural aspect preferred by Modigliani when treating the nose and the line leading up to the eyebrows. However, the face of the woman with such a mask feel was treated very rounded, which makes the woman's look smoother. 

The white traces on the blue background are presumably made by Modigliani with his fingers.  In addition, the blue color added to the woman's body has the effect of making the woman's bronzed complexion stand out more. 

While the Cubist style traces still remain in the woman’s face, the rounded woman's face also can be seen in this work, which might be one of the sorts of style practice or experiment that Modigliani tried in the process of going to the more rounded face style in the late 1916.

Unlike many other works, the unique point in this work is that one ear of the woman is not completely drawn.

This work, like some of his paintings, has holes in four corners, two of which were filled during the restoration.

This work was displayed at the Genova Exhibit of the Modigliani works in 2017, which was controversial by the forgery scandal, and the image of this work was damaged by the press who announced that the fake of this work was present in the Exhibit.

Thank you.

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