Friday, August 21, 2020

63. History of Rock Music: 2. The Beatles Era, ACJ Music Academy

How are you?

Following the last week, I am going to start my 63rd lecture.

The topic for this week is “The Beatles Era”, the second theme of “The History of Rock”.

This lecture is a summary of the contents of “63. History of Rock Music: 2. The Beatles Era, ACJ Music Academy” introduced on October 8, 2016.

The late 1950s to early 1960s was a period that rock and roll era ended, which became the basis of rock, and the previous period of the British Invasion, which British bands attacked the United States. Some music critics emphasize that without the innovative musical elements that were formed during this period, subsequent musical development would have been impossible. 

Rock and Roll didn't completely disappear in the late 1950s, and its influence led to the twist craze in the early 1960s, which made Chubby Checker a big star. Cliff Richard, a British singer, effectively promoted British rock sound and made the first British rock and roll hit with the song "Move It" released in 1958.

Chubby Checker

Cliff Richard

The Beatles is a rock band formed in Liverpool, UK in 1960. The members of the band are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, and they are considered the most important and influential band in rock history. 

Fans and media swarm the Beatles at Schiphol Airport (1964)

Their manager Brian Epstein made the Beatles as a professional band, and the producer George Martin led their recordings to create their first hit song “Love Me Do” in late 1962, which became a big hit in the UK. The Beatles became a worldwide star by leading the “British Invasion in the American pop market in early 1964. 

The Beatles arriving at John F. Kennedy International Airport (7 February 1964)

The Beatles with Ed Sullivan (February 1964)

Since 1965, they successively released influential albums such as “Rubber Soul (1965)”, “Revolver (1966)”, “Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)”, “The Beatles (1968)” and “Abbey Road (1969)”.

Rubber Soul (1965)

Revolver (1966)

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)

The Beatles (1968)

Abbey Road (1969)

Final studio album "Let It Be" (1970)

After the band was disbanded in 1970, each member acted as solo musician and made success. Among the members, John Lennon was shot and killed by a bully in December 1980, George Harrison died of lung cancer in November 2001, and the currently surviving Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr continue their musical career. 

The Beatles Monument, Almaty, Kazakhstan

According to the “Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)”, The Beatles is the most sold artist in the United States, with sales of 178 million albums, and has the most number one albums and singles in the UK. The Beatles ranked No.1 among “The 100 most successful artists of all time” by U.S. Billboard Chart in 2008, and was included in “The 100 most influential people of the 20th century” by Time Magazine. 

The Beatles statue, Liverpool

The Beatles also sold over 600 million albums worldwide, making them the most album-selling artist of all time. The Beatles was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988, and all the members were inducted individually between 1994 and 2015.

The Beatles Exhibit, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

You can also review this lecture from following media.

Next week, I will lecture 3rd topic “British Invasion”.

Thank you.

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