Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Works by Amedeo Modigliani: 58. Lolotte (Woman with hat) (1916)

How are you?

Modigliani Institute Korea (MIK) is currently introducing artworks of Amedeo Modigliani one by one every week.

The 58th work to introduce for this week is Lolotte (Woman with hat) in 1916.

This work is an expressionist style portrait and an oil painting on a canvas with the size of 55 x 35.5 cm, and it is possessed by Georges Pompidou Center in Paris, France.

Georges Pompidou Center

Lolotte was one of numerous girls, mostly from the provinces, who gathered in the artists' quarter in search of new ways of living. Modigliani saw Lolotte, who was looking somewhat lonely, in his studio, and studied her carefully to draw her painting. Modigliani gave a little mystery and spiritual beauty when drawing most of his female models, but instead of such mystery and spiritual beauty, he gave a slight mediocrity about this model.

The model in this work has a rounded face with a highlighted curved outline and especially a prominent chin line. In this painting, Modigliani shows a slanted face and elongated neck that are part of his representative painting styles. And a point under her eyes is acting as a characteristic that exudes her charm to the fullest. The model's hat and clothes have colors that are almost indistinguishable from the background, and the prominent parts are the roses, decorated on the model's clothes, hair and face. 

And in this painting, Modigliani used black outlines for her eyes, nose, and mouth to emphasize her distinct features. In addition, in order to express the rich emotions contained in her gaze in the painting, the artist chose eyes with pupils instead of eyes without them, which is one of his unique styles. Moreover, Modigliani used black outlines for her pupils. It seems that he attempted them to suggest that he himself found infinite value in her gaze and she is a possessor of too rich emotions in the painting.

Modigliani drew several additional paintings besides this painting, modeling Lolotte.

Young Lolotte

Woman With a Necklace

Thank you.


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