Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Works by Amedeo Modigliani: 59. Portrait of Manuel Humbert Esteve (1916)

How are you?

Modigliani Institute Korea (MIK) is currently introducing artworks of Amedeo Modigliani one by one every week.

The 59th work to introduce for this week is Portrait of Manuel Humbert Esteve in 1916.
This work is an expressionist style portrait and an oil painting on a canvas with the size of 100.2 x 65.5 cm, and it is possessed by the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.

National Gallery of Victoria

The model for this work is the Spanish painter Manuel Humbert Esteve. Born in Barcelona, Manuel left his hometown of Barcelona in 1909 and moved to Paris, France, where he presided over Catalan painting exhibitions.

Modigliani, who had a natural talent for expressing the model's personality and features in his paintings, also described Manuel's appearance by focusing on the personality and features of the model rather than drawing it similar to the real one. In other words, the model's long and pointed chin, slightly curved small lips, eyes drooping down, and the attire he is wearing are elements that show the model’s personality and features emphasized by Modigliani.

The model of this work, with a slightly gloomy appearance, gives a sense of the unique austerity of the Iberians in the model’s appearance and expression, and this austerity is further reinforced by the dark colored background. Also, the tilt of the model and the left background is somewhat balanced with the right background.

This work turned out to have a very thick oxidated varnish layer that completely changed its original color upon investigation. Accordingly, the National Gallery of Victoria in Australia, which owns the work, commissioned Dr. Raye Collins to restore the painting to recover its original bright colors from 2017 to 2018.

Dr. Raye Collins with the Portrait of Manuel Humbert (Photo: Eugene Hyland)

This restoration is regarded as one of the best restorations ever conducted. Due to this restoration, the original colors of the work have been restored without losing their strong presence, and the orange color that makes the work alive was perfectly restored.
This painting has holes in the 4 corners, half of which were covered by restoration.

Restoration (Before vs. After)

Modigliani, who frequently painted the same model with same pose several times, left two portraits of Manuel, including this one. Comparing the two works, they have the same background and pose, and even the tie knot style of the model is almost identical, so it seems that the two works were drawn one after another in a short period.

Bust of Manuel Humbert

Thank you.

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