Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Art Collage JANG News, American artist "Gretchen Grace Dreisbach"

How are you?

Today, I would like to announce the news that I am going to continue collaborating with an American artist Gretchen Grace Dreisbach in 2021.

She is currently a partner artist of Art Collage JANG and Art Collage JANG is selling her paintings as her agent in Asia.

Gretchen, a carrier of the color and the light, is a master visual artist living in St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. She is an abstract artist who creates paintings full of energy, movement, color, and consciousness. She always works with joy and passion as well as pride in creating art for humanity.

Gretchen, who started art at a young age and studied art at the University of Minnesota, has been creating art for 41 years and working in her current studio for 27 years.

She is also an active artist who enjoys making connections with people who have an interest and affection for her art, including art collectors.

She has participated in many exhibitions and is selling her works around the world.

Once again, I am very pleased to be able to collaborate with Gretchen in 2021, and I look forward to make a better achievement next year.


1. Participated in SOLIDARITÉ - Online Group Virtual Art Exhibition put on by INAOSSIEN Art, along with 18 other international artists and virtually exhibited her piece CME #3, April 10 - May 10, 2020 htpps://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/475050/solidarit%C3%A9

2. September 13, 2018: Featured by Voyage Media (Miami Location) in an article on their website voyageMIA.com in their ‘Thought Provokers’ series http://voyagemia.com/interview/art-life-gretchen-dreisbach.

3. Participated in ARTBOX.PROJECTS (of Zug, Switzerland) show at Armory Artweeks Art Fair in New York City by digitally displaying 1 painting in their show during Armory Artweeks March 5 – March 16, 2018

4. Francisco Acedo & ISHTAR AD&A, who represents Gretchen Grace Dreisbach, included her work in their digital display at Art Fair Malaga, in Spain, June 30 - July 2, 2017

5. Participated in ARTBOX.PROJECTS (of Zug, Switzerland) show at Spectrum Miami Art Fair by digitally displaying 3 paintings in their booth during Art Basel Miami November 30, 2016-December 4, 2016

6. *One-person show (Linden Hills Pop-Up Show): September 9, 2016, 4412 W Lake Harriet Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN

7. Pieces: "Mother Sophia", "We Made It!", and "My Spirit Guide" on display at the inaugural opening of Dow Art Gallery & Picture Framing. September 15-November 15, 2014, 2242 University Avenue W., St. Paul, MN





1. Pieces: "Mother Sophia", "We Made It!", and "My Spirit Guide" on display at the inaugural opening of Dow Art Gallery & Picture Framing. September 15-November 15, 2014, 2242 University Avenue W., St. Paul, MN

2. Particpated in National Competition: July 3-22, 1992, Bowery Gallery, 12 Wooster Street, New York, NY

3. Participated in the 5th Annual National Exhibition: November 1-23, 1991, Art Inside, Cocoa Beach, FL

4. Participated in the 16th Annual Juried Art Exhibition: June 21-August 25, 1991, Bloomington Art Center, Bloomington, MN





1. 217 BFA credits from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and the University of Minnesota

2. Painting for the last 41 years.

3. 27 years at this studio.




Thank you.

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