How are you?
Today I want to announce the news about my
new books.
Since publishing Modigliani's novel “Dedo,
Modi, and Modigliani” in March, two manuscripts I have written in the meantime
have been published (in Korean) again in J Books and Media.
The titles of two newly published books are
“The Music, Movies and Stories about Wine” and “The Music, Movies and Stories
about Coffee.”
These books are about wine and coffee, the
subjects other than music and art, which I have written so far. The contents of
the books are based on the materials of “Interesting Wine Stories” and “Interesting
Coffee Stories”, the lecture programs I conducted in the SPACE of Art Collage
JANG I ran before.
With the materials about wine and coffee in
my lecture programs, I also introduced the stories about music and films for
wine and coffee together, so that wine and coffee lovers can broaden their
knowledge for wine and coffee.
In addition, like the books I wrote before,
I included QR codes (for YouTube) of the music and movie trailers contained in
the books so that readers can enjoy audio-visually.
My new books, started selling yesterday, are
available in Kyobo Bookstore, Interpark, Aladin and J Art in South Korea.
Thank you.

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