Tuesday, December 1, 2020

New Article, "Tragic Lover, Amedeo Modigliani and Jeanne Hébuterne"

How are you?

Today, I am going to announce my good news.

My third article was published in “Quid Magazine,” an Italian online art magazine where I am active as a guest writer. 

Like the previous articles, this article was also written about Modigliani and the title is "Tragic Lover, Amedeo Modigliani and Jeanne Hébuterne." 

In this article, I wrote about a brief introduction of Amedeo Modigliani and Jeanne Hébuterne, their meeting, and their tragic but beautiful love. 

Some of the content introduced in this article was cited from my book, “Dedo, Modi, Modigliani”, which is an entry for Amazon Book Contest.

Dedo, Modi, Modigliani, Amazon

You can see my new article from the link below:

Tragic Lover, Amedeo Modigliani and Jeanne Hébuterne

Dedo, Modi, Modigliani (book)


Was Modi really maudit?

Why did Modigliani become a painter who has many fakes?

Thank you.

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